Q: We are often asked to explain the different types of authorities.
A: They are ...

      Common carrier authority (certificate) -- the holding out to perform transportation for the general public on an on-call basis.
INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS (minimums): $750,000 in BIPD (liability) and $10,000 in Cargo

      Contract carrier authority (permit) -- carrier enters into an oral or written contract with a shipper or broker to transport a stipulated amount of freight for a stipulated price over a defined period of time.
INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS (minimum): $750,000 in BIPD (liability) insurance

      Broker authority (license) -- the broker arranges and/or controls the freight and tenders it to a contract or common carrier for transportation. The broker receives a percentage of the freight charges for this service.
INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS (minimum): $10,000 surety bond

Q: How do I obtain the service date of my authority?
A: Using your internet browser, go to http://li-public.fmcsa.dot.gov;
-- scroll to the bottom of page and select "Continue";
-- in the upper right corner, use drop down box and select "Carrier Search"; hit "GO";
-- enter carrier's docket number; hit "Search";
-- under view details, select "Screen" (this takes you to Motor Carrier Details page);
-- Scroll to menu bar at bottom or page; select "Authority History"

Q: How do I obtain my revised authority reflecting an address change?
A: The FMCSA database will be updated to reflect carrier's address change. The FMCSA does NOT reissue authorities when carrier changes address or state of domicile.

Q: How do I obtain my revised authority reflecting a name change?
A: The FMCSA issues a re-entitlement decision upon receipt of carrier's name change applicaiton. The re-entitlement covers all authority types (common, contract and broker) issued under the docket number. The original authority remains and does NOT reissue.

Q: How long does it take to receive authority once all paperwork requirements are met?
A: It takes approximately 22 working days AFTER your application is accepted by the FMCSA, even if your insurance and BOC-3 filings are reflected in the FMCSA database.

Q: Something is wrong with my attachment. It's "gray" when I open it.
A: Documents are formatted for Adobe Acrobat versions 5.0 and later.
Click the Adobe image to download the latest version of Acrobat reader.

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