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Summary - UCR Board Mtg - Sept 13 |
UCR Board is preparing a document entitled Questions & Answers: Informal Guidance for Interested Parties for general public who doesn’t know much about UCR program. Here are two important paragraphs from Section F “UCR Agreement”: F-2: What entities are subject to the UCR Fees? Except as noted in question F3 below, the UCR Agreement requires all motor carriers and motor private carriers required to register with the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) as well as brokers, freight forwarders, and leasing companies (collectively referred to as UCR registrants) to pay UCR fees. F-3: What entities are not subject to the UCR Fees? There are two types of entities that are NOT subject to UCR fees: (1) entities that receive USDOT numbers under the PRISM program as “registrants” but have no interstate operating authority and, (2) purely intrastate carriers, that is, those that do not handle interstate freight or make interstate movements, unless the State has elected to apply the provisions of the UCR Agreement to such intrastate carriers. It was also decided that a TRAINING PACKAGE would be helpful to both state employees and industry representatives. Many questions are coming from industry (ie permit agents) and these questions would be included in this manual. When ready, it will be posted on the UCR home page (powerpoint presentation in downloadable format). Clarification on the following topics: Definition -- What is a motor carrier: Old definition: Motor Carrier - The term “motor carrier” means a person providing motor vehicle transportation for compensation. New definition: Motor carrier – The term “motor carrier” means a person providing commercial motor vehicle (as defined in section 31132) transportation for compensation, § 31132. DEFINITIONS In this subchapter— (1) “commercial motor vehicle” means a self-propelled or towed vehicle used on the highways in interstate commerce to transport passengers or property, if the vehicle— (A) has a gross vehicle weight rating or gross vehicle weight of at least 10,001 pounds, whichever is greater; (B) is designed or used to transport more than 8 passengers (including the driver) for compensation; (C) is designed or used to transport more than 15 passengers, including the driver, and is not used to transport passengers for compensation; or (D) is used in transporting material found by the Secretary of Transportation to be hazardous under section 5103 of this title and transported in a quantity requiring placarding under regulations prescribed by the Secretary under section 5103. ******************************************* Registration fee is based upon a calendar year. UCR Board is working with FMCSA to prevent a gap in dates. Many states are mailing notices to their motor carriers this week. All expect to have mailings out by the end of September. We’ll have an update during 9/20 UCR mtg as to when states plan to begin enforcement IF other than the recommended date of November 15 AND if any states are planning strong enforcement. ******************************************* Indiana site is ready for credit card registrations. Here are the updates you should know: (1) Canadian Permit Services cannot process registrations using credit cards but can process E-checks with Canadian addresses. (2) Indiana officials hope to have the credit card issue resolved by the end of the month but for now it’s e-checks only. (3) Transaction fee is not a percentage fee as earlier announced. In addition to the $3.00 for state of Indiana, there is a flat fee based according to the fee brackets: Bracket 1: $1.86 Bracket 2: $2.90 Bracket 3: $5.70 Bracket 4: $20.15 Bracket 5: $96.00* (e-check more economical) Bracket 6: $937.50* (e-check more economical) *************************************** Some of the online errors have come when carriers or agents have tried to register using (1) intrastate DOT number (2) registrant DOT number (3) inactive DOT number (4) shippers (5) brand new DOT number (6) immediate changes on MCS-150 NOTE: You must wait at least 24 hours to register on UCR site if entering a new DOT assignment or any changes made on carrier’s MCS-150. This is necessary to allow DOT computers to update and populate the new information to UCR site . *************************************** Other online enhancements are planned for 08 but sooner than expected will be the opportunity for permit agents to have a user name/password (entering many applications throughout the day and processing credit card on file just once at the end of the day.) There will be a cap (probably minimum per month) that agents will have to meet to be eligible for this account. Several of the larger permit services will assist during the testing. **************************************** Base State Updates: WISCONSIN – does not have authority to collect UCR; hoping to get budget signed so they can participate. Will have update by 9/20 (next UCR meeting) NORTH CAROLINA – filed state plan, opting in for 2008. DELAWARE – intends to file a state plan to participate in 2008. LEGISLATIVE UPDATE: Chanced are very slim that the technical correction bill will make it out of Congress. The Financial Responsibility issue will resolve itself if/when this bill passes. |
*** Questions about this info? Contact Linda Norman at 703-821-0000 or linda@donnormanassociates.com *** |